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Added a static photo album

Day 2, 100DaysToOffload

Yesterday, I made some minor changes to the microblog](https://dileepkushwaha.com) and blog. Today, my photo album is also went live. It is a static website too. All these three websites are now hosted on netlify.

I struggled with google analytics not working despite the code present on the webpage. The reason was, I did not build the jekyll site using production settings.

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build

In order to add, a watermark in the pictures, I used ImageMagick, composite commands. A bash script recursively adds the signature watermark along with any caption and compiles a static HTML site.

I also wrote a tiny shell script to generate meme. Right now memes that require the text to be at the top and or at the bottom work with the script. Will add more features in the future.

I’m yet to improve the blog writing experience. Currently, I draft a blog in obsidian then manually copy it into a working copy of the blog.

Here is a meme I generated today

all tags