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Quote on geo-pattern tile using ImageMagick

CLI utility to make quote image generator

I found a good geopattern generator. It generates an SVG tile from a string. The string is converted into an SHA and a color pattern is determined depending on the hash value.

I needed a copyleft alternative for backgrounds of quote images that I can post on social media. This is a very beautiful alternative. Imagemagick command to convert the tile into desired size resolution and embedding quote of the desired font can be achieved using this command.

convert -size 1600X900  tile:geopattern_tile.png background.png
convert background.png -gravity Center -pointsize 100 -font Avojaloin -annotate 0 '“It does not matter \n how slowly you go\n as long as you do not stop.”' -font Autography -gravity SouthWest -annotate 0 '- Confucius' quote_image.png

Here is the result I achieved.

all tags