Commenting Service for Static Pages✍️
Published on 06 Nov 2022
TLDR; Opted Proprietory Comment Service for now!
A blog without feedback is no less than an echo chamber. To add commenting mechanism to my static pages, I looked for a solution.
Found the following Open-Source commenting services:
Privacy is a major concern and these software are worth trying.
Tried hosting for free on the following platforms and failed:
Proprietary commenting services:
Selected Graphcomment for now:
- free 😀
- comments exportable 😀
- ad-free 😀
- promises privacy 😜 community-driven ecosystem 😀
I do not want to use Big Tech Clouds to burn money.
Some cloud providers have reasonable pricing but do not accept Indian debit cards yet.
Free Cloudflare workers can also be used for such a mechanism but managing them will be a hassle.
Go ahead and test out the commenting system.🤸
Photo by Liz Pullan Pattathy on Unsplash
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