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Made in India RISC-V Development Board from CDAC

Reviewing a budget-friendly Made in India RISC-V development board.


I purchased a Made in India RISC-V development board from CDAC a few weeks ago for Rs 999 ($12 USD). It is basically an Adruino Uno killer. Ran a hello world. A few problems were encountered which i things is a OS related issue. I am using Ubuntu 22.04.

The first issue was a permission one. The ttyUSB0 didn;t had teh adequet permission.

$sudo su
$cd /
$cd dev
$chown username ttyUSB0

The second issue was that the code after verification couldn’t be uploaded to the microcontroller. If we click the upload icon on the arduino IDE, it returns permission error. To push the code, one has to manually upload the code using a processor through dropdown menu.

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