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Elasticsearch is Open-Source again

A software licencing drama.


I had has the opportunity top work on ELK(Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) Observability stack. It was so popular that i gave no second thoughts to incorporate it into my skill set. Seniors would assign me tickets to spin up VMs and collect start collecting logs. It has been a while that i have used this stack.
This summer i wanted to update my skillset with current tool sets. Somewhere in my mind i had this information that the ELasticsearch has been widely critisized for its new licencing which makes it opensource. It is deffinitley a turn off for me. My companies who are highly dependent on them will have no impact as they cam afford the fee. But some small projects might get impacted. Plus i never enjoyed reading the licening which are not simple.
Terraform too made some changes and have gone closed-source. Since i had to update my tool-set, i did a PoC on Open-tofu and LPG(Loki, Prometheus and Grafana) Obervability stacks. Opentofu is same as Terraform and i find no difference. The LPG stack however was easier to use and resource footprint is quite small as it doen;t use full-text search like Elasticsearch.
Today i found out the Elasticsearch is goping open-source again. It is a welcome move. It deffinetely means they have lost some bussiness. I hope terraform follows along.

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